German is not an easy language and there are a few tips on how to learn German.

1. Clock your time right and create a study plan for yourself.

You have to be realistic here. Estimate how long it will take you to learn German and set a time accordingly. Set yourself reasons and goals that motivate you to achieve your goal. You can also take small steps to reach your goal.

2. Use your German every day … without a break.

It’s better if you practice German every day. Little by little, try to learn grammar, read some short articles, watch movies or series in German. It will help you improve your language.

Install subtitles in German. This will help you figure out how the words you hear are spelled. You will also practice listening and pronunciation.

Try to use German on the street and in everyday life at every opportunity. Try to write simple sentences, don’t get tired of complex sentences. This will help you communicate your thoughts to the other person.

3. Learn German nouns with the articles


Learning German with the articles will help you in the future. Because in German, every noun has an article, and you have to choose the right article when you form a sentence.


4. Use a post-it and write down words you can’t remember.
Write the words you just learned that you can’t remember on a piece of paper and place them where your eyes can see. This will help you memorize words.

5. Love your mistakes!

Don’t be afraid to learn from your mistakes. You should practice your German daily and learn from your mistakes. It is important to feel comfortable and not embarrassed when learning a language.


Using the language outdoors, in everyday life, will help you learn the language every day, and you will feel more comfortable realizing that you have learned the language.